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About Diana Thornton

I am a mindfulness teacher based in the Cobham and Leatherhead areas.  I first encountered mindfulness through teaching the Mindfulness in Schools Project to pupils and staff. I have trained with the Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice, Bangor University (CMRP) to run MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) courses and with the Center for Mindful Self-Compassion to teach MSC. I work with a supervisor and regularly attend training events, conferences and annual mindfulness retreats. Although not currently registered, I have previously been registered with BAMBA, British Association of Mindfulness Based Approaches and I continue to follow the Good Practice Guidelines.


I have had a long interest (over 20 years) in contemplative traditions and over that period have led groups in many different contemplative practices. I have practised yoga since my 20s. I maintain a daily formal mindfulness meditation practice and use mindfulness informally in my daily life.


I am also a trained counsellor and psychotherapist.  To find out more about counselling with me please go to



‘Meditation is not about feeling a certain way.  It’s about feeling the way you feel.’

Jon Kabat-Zinn

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