Surrey Hills Mindfulness
For the ups and downs of life
'It’s all and more than I expected.'
'For me the most helpful aspect of the course is that I have a new-found trust in myself. I can rely on myself and always come back to my breath in times of trouble.'
'I found it very uplifting. I found it inspiring in lots of ways. It enabled me to open up. Things that I wasn’t aware were there. I couldn’t have done it on my own without the course.'
'I initially had a fear that it would drag on and get a bit tatty towards the end and boring and not that interesting any more but I have found that the first session was like the last today, it hasn’t waned for me at all.'
'I can speak, I can say what I need to say and leave it alone. I won’t drag it home with me. ‘Did I offend them? Did she understand that? Did it sound wrong, did it sound aggressive?’ You know, I can now leave that alone. So it’s a joy. It’s a liberation. That’s one of the aspects of the course I’ve taken but there’s many more.'
'Learning about myself. Developing a tool kit for coping with anxiety. Stopping myself from re-living moments.'
'I found the body scan so helpful. It connects your body with things that you have forgotten. Things that you used to do when you were younger. I was more in contact with my body and with my mind, everything was connected. Now as I am growing older I’m disconnecting with the world, disconnecting with my body and this kind of course helps in bridging the gap between the two.'
'Mindful walking is a beautiful awakening.'
'The most valuable thing I have learned is letting things go. Sometimes we do things or there are things that we experience which we can't control. There are some things that you just have to let go because even if you try to fight for it, you’re not going to get the answer that you want so just letting it be.'
'I also learned to be gentle with myself because I’m always hard on myself.'
'It’s prepared us, given us what we need to maintain and to go on.'
'You have created a safe space and I think that’s really important.'
'Very enjoyable and well run.'