Surrey Hills Mindfulness
For the ups and downs of life

Oasis - half day online retreats
These seasonal retreats are held 4 times each year.
Join us online for a morning of self-compassion practice with readings and poems to speak to your heart and to reflect the season. With meet-ups timed for Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, these sessions of prolonged practice can provide a regular punctuation point in your year to deepen or re-engage with your practice - like a regular mini-retreat or oasis in the midst of daily life. Designed for people who have undertaken a mindful self-compassion course the meditations will be based around familiar practices from the 8-week programme. Run by Diana Thornton and Claire Garthwaite.
10.00am -1.00pm
Cost: £35
Summer Oasis 22 May 2024
Autumn Oasis 17 September 2024
Winter Oasis 3 December 2024
Spring Oasis 13 March 2025
Retreat Days
In-person retreat days are currently still on hold. If you have previously attended an 8 week course with Surrey Hills Mindfulness or with another mindfulness teacher you can attend a retreat day.
Cost: £55
Join the mailing list to hear about future retreats here
“Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor.” Thich Nhat Hanh