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 Continuing with Mindfulness

Follow on Course

This course is designed for those who have already completed an 8 week mindfulness course who would like to restart, refresh or deepen their mindfulness practice.

The course will have 6 two hour lessons with teaching, meditation and group discussion. The format will be similar to the 8 week course you did.


The course will cover themes such as  self compassion, gratitude, dealing with difficulty, how to keep our practice going and mindful living. 

The cost of the course is £120 (generous concessions for those on low income-please ask). The course will run
via Zoom on Wednesday mornings 10.30am - 12.30pm starting 15 September.


Weekly dates for the above course 15 Sept/22 Sept/29 Sept/6 Oct/13 Oct/20 Oct

If you are interested in attending this course, please get in touch. Places will be offered on a first come first serve basis.


Follow on Group

This group meets weekly during term time on Thursday mornings between 11.00am and 12.15pm. There are 10 sessions per term. Each week there is a topic; guided meditations and time for discussion. The group is intended to support people in continuing their mindfulness practice whilst gently stretching and deepening your understanding and practice.


Cost for the follow on group is £100 per term paid at the beginning of term.

Future 10 week blocks will begin on 22 April and 23 September.


Please enquire if you would like to join the group.


Retreat Days

Retreat days are run regularly.  If you have previously attended an 8 week course with Surrey Hills Mindfulness or with another mindfulness teacher you can attend the retreat.  Please contact me if you would like to attend.


Please wear comfortable clothing in layers and bring your own equipment (yoga mat, cushions etc).  Drinks and fruit available throughout the day but please bring a packed lunch and a water bottle.


Half-day online retreats are run occasionally through the year. Join the mailing list below to hear about future retreats.


Cost: £40


To sign up for updates of future courses, retreats drop-in sessions and workshops click here

“Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor.”  Thich Nhat Hanh

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